Here is the second part of our Getting Started Guide that will help you build on top of what you have learned so far. In the next lines, I’ll introduce you to some cool features and show you how easy it is to develop feature-rich apps and manage your projects. Read on! ...

Even before our early access, we had the vision to make SashiDo The Real Parse alternative.As we promised you, step by step we include more and more features to our service so you wouldn’t miss anything.And that’s just the beginning of our journey :) We’re very excited to share the latest news - SashiDo now supports: Background Jobs Give you the option to write long running tasks, include them in your Cloud Code and set up how often you want to run them. N ...

Before the concept of Live Queries (WebSockets behind the scenes) was created, developers used comet and long polling in order to simulate real time web. The problem was that this technologies needed almost constant communication with the server, which, as you’d imagine, it’s not very fast and resource-friendly. Then Live Queries came and the Parse Server became realtime. Imagine an app game, which needs to update in real time non-stop. As you know, games ...

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