Major news dear friends - Parse Server V3 is now available on SashiDo with all its sweet perks! You all have been asking eagerly for this upgrade and we’re extremely happy to deliver what was promised and much more. The past few months we were focused on releasing some big features like Engine, High Availability, Builds and Deployments so it took us a while to introduce Parse Server V3, but trust me the wait was worth it! Today we’re not just giving you th ...

Our team is happy to announce that once and for all you have the opportunity to replace the little bit rusty Parse Server v.2.3.3. It is time to a leap ahead into the up-to-date versions! And we're not simply giving you one new version, but whole 3 of them to choose from - v2.8.4, v.3.0.0, and the latest v.3.1.3. Let’s see some of the fresh advantages they are bringing :) Cleaner Cloud Code Improved lightweight Cloud Code syntax is a major advantage that c ...

I am sure most of you are already aware of the new Engines feature SashiDo released shortly. However, in case you missed our Announcement on how to Power up with SashiDo’s brand new Engine feature, I suggest for you to check it out now, as it is closely related to the main topic here. After this short intro, let me get back on track and present you Builds and Deployments - awaited features by many of you that are now a fact! Builds Builds are generated on ...

Introduction The development process has many variables and dependencies, but having resources exactly when you need them is key for ultimate performance. At SashiDo we strive to enable our customers to work at their best without worrying about any limitations. System scalability is a necessary solution to the problem of increasing load when a business grows. If you have been with us for a while you know that we do offer secure and automated scaling within ...

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