Part 2 of a step-by-step guide on how to make your own venue booking web app using a NodeJS backend from SashiDo. The tutorial is perfect for beginners, who are looking for a fun project to start their JavaScript coding journey. ...
Part 1 of a step-by-step guide on how to make your own venue booking web app using a NodeJS backend from SashiDo. The tutorial is perfect for beginners, who are looking for a fun project to start their JavaScript coding journey. ...
Part 3 of a step-by-step guide on how to create your own digital scrapbook in iOS using a NodeJS backend from SashiDo. The tutorial is perfect for beginners, as well as passionate travelers and wanderers that are also into coding. ...
Part 2 of a step-by-step guide on how to create your own digital scrapbook in iOS using a NodeJS backend from SashiDo. The tutorial is perfect for beginners, as well as passionate travelers and wanderers that are also into coding. ...
Part 1 of a step-by-step guide on how to create your own digital scrapbook in iOS using a NodeJS backend from SashiDo. The tutorial is perfect for beginners, as well as passionate travelers and wanderers that are also into coding. ...
In February Axway announced that the Titanium SDK will no longer be supported as of March 1, 2022. The second big news was that Axway’s Mobile Backend Services will be discontinued effective September 1 next year as well. So what does this mean for your Titanium apps? ...
You are an entrepreneur with an idea for a great app? But you are non-technical, so what are your options to get your idea out there. Let me share a few tips on how you can build an MVP in just a few hours with no coding whatsoever! ...
As many of you know, Apple is moving from a certificate-based authentication with their push notifications service to a token-based one. SashiDo is fully ready with the implementation of any changes required from our end and here is a simple guide that will help complete the process seamlessly. ...
"Where to host DiGAs now?" is the question many German developers are asking after the US was excluded from the list of countries with a GDPR adequacy decision back in July 2020.'s team is here to help you find the answer! ...
A short tutorial on how to easily train and load a Teachable Machine's Image classification model to your Node.js application in less than 10 minutes. Machine Learning is no longer a reserved filed only for experienced Data Scientist and ML engineers! ...