Four Ways AI is Revolutionizing Mobile Apps at Scale

Martin Valev


As your app begins to grow, it’s essential to not only scale but also shine in key areas that boost user experience and streamline operations. One of the most powerful ways to achieve this is through Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI can transform your app, making it smarter, more responsive, and better equipped to handle complex tasks.

In this article, we’ll explore four innovative ways AI is being used today: moderating user-generated content, enhancing personalization, predicting user preferences, and optimizing customer support. We’ll dive into real-world examples from industry leaders like Netflix, Facebook, Fitbit, and Besty AI, showing how they leverage AI to deliver exceptional experiences.

Not Safe for Work: AI for Content Moderation

So, you’ve probably seen the term “NSFW” pop up around the internet. It stands for “Not Safe for Work,” and it’s basically a heads-up that the content might not be the best thing to check out while you’re at your desk or in a professional setting. Think of it as a warning that the content could be explicit, controversial, or just plain distracting—like when you get a pop-up ad that says “Adult Content”.

There is an example of handling this kind of content on a massive scale. Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook deal with a huge volume of user-generated content every day. With so much material being shared, spotting and managing NSFW or inappropriate content can be a real challenge.

Back in the day, platforms had to rely heavily on manual moderation, which was slow and not always effective. For example, in 2017, Facebook had a team of 30,000 people, with 15,000 focused solely on moderating content. Even with all that manpower, the process was still tough on employees and didn’t always catch everything.

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With new European regulations aimed at protecting younger users, the need for better moderation became even more critical. Platforms had to find a way to handle content more efficiently to avoid legal issues and keep their users safe.

This is where automation can make a big difference. While SashiDo provides the backend services to help you build your app, we also offer a fully functional Open-Source Content Moderation Service, with a REST API, Automation engine, and even an Admin UI where all content for moderation can be stacked for approval. Check out these fantastic tutorials on the service benefits and integration.

AI for Enhancing User Experience: Personalization Strategies

Think of a robot friend who learns to play games better over time. Instead of receiving step-by-step instructions for every move, this robot learns from playing and practicing, adjusting its strategy as it goes. This is how machine learning operates: it’s about teaching computers to learn from data and improve their performance through experience.

Let me explain how this works with a real-world example. Fitbit tracks users’ activity, sleep, and heart rate, and then uses machine learning to turn this data into personalized insights. A study found that users who engaged with Fitbit’s personalized feedback increased their activity levels by 28% over three months. This shows how machine learning can turn data into meaningful insights and encourage healthier habits.

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By using machine learning, Fitbit has made its app way more helpful. Instead of just tracking users’ steps, it now acts like a personal coach who understands what their needs are and gives personalized advice.

Predictive Analytics: Anticipating User Preferences

Predictive analytics using AI is like having a briliant assistant who guesses what movies or series you’ll enjoy based on what you’ve watched before. Here’s how it works: The app collects information on the movies and series you’ve watched, such as genres, actors, and ratings. Then, AI identifies patterns, like enjoying action movies with a particular actor or preferring comedies by a specific director. The AI learns from these patterns and starts making predictions, suggesting similar content you’re likely to enjoy.

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Netflix uses this approach to recommend shows and movies based on your viewing history and habits. For example, if you’ve been watching thrillers in the evening, Netflix might suggest a new late-night drama. This method has significantly boosted user ratings and contributed to Netflix's strong financial performance.

In the fourth quarter of 2023, Netflix’s AI-driven recommendations helped the company generate $8.83 billion in revenue, solidifying its position as a leader in the streaming industry with over 260 million subscribers. Netflix demonstrates how predictive analytics can enhance user engagement and drive substantial revenue growth.

AI-Powered Chat Assistants: Scaling Customer Support

AI-powered Chat Assistants are like a super-smart friend who can chat with you in a natural and engaging way. But how do they manage to be so clever? They rely on large language models (LLMs), which are trained to understand not only the words you use but also the context and meaning behind them. When you type or say something to an AI Chat Assistant, it processes your message using this powerful technology, allowing it to interpret your intent and respond appropriately. It’s like when a friend can tell if you mean 'cool' as in temperature or 'cool' as in something awesome!

For example, BeachBox uses Besty AI’s Messaging tool to respond to guest questions and handle bookings. Before, this took a lot of time, but now the AI can automatically manage conversations. When a guest asks about room availability or local recommendations, the AI responds instantly with the right info.

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BeachBox found this feature incredibly helpful because it saved them a ton of time. With the AI handling the simple, repetitive questions, the BeachBox team could focus on improving their guest experience. Plus, they noticed huge results: within just two months, they reduced their response times by 85%. The AI also helped send over 7,800 messages, making it way easier for BeachBox to manage reservations without needing extra staff. Additionally, BeachBox managed to generate 106 extra nights and make $13.4K more in revenue using Besty AI features, as you can check in Besty AI | Beach Box Case Study.


AI acts as an advanced tool that can significantly enhance your app's capabilities. From ensuring safety and offering personalized recommendations to predicting user preferences and streamlining customer support, AI has the potential to elevate your app's performance. Nowadays, it’s not just giants like Netflix and Facebook showcasing the transformative power of AI. Even mid-sized and small businesses are leveraging AI technologies to boost their operations, improve customer experiences, and drive innovation.

At SashiDo, we’re here to help you harness AI and cloud technologies to build smarter apps. Let us handle all the backend hassles, while you put all your focus on growing your business.

Are you working on integrating AI into your app? Send us a note at - we’d love to hear more about your use case and work together to achieve your goals!

Martin Valev

Customer Success Superstar @ SashiDo.

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